
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hi from Alyssa

Flying through the Spiral on a pegasus?
What could be more fun than that?
Hi, hi, hi! I'm Alyssa Rosethorn, but my friends call me Lys or Lyssa. I'm an Initiate Theurgist. A Theurgist is more commonly referred to as as a student of Life magic. I'm level 14 and currently working on the first part of Krokotopia, the Pyramid of Fire. It's not too difficult, but it'd be a whole lot easier if Life had more attacks than we do. I recently got a new one though, so it's helping a lot.

This is Cali. You can also see
my Umbra Sword in this picture.
I wear light green and yellow most of the time. Any shade of green is a color of life, and I thought the sunny yellow looked beautiful with the bright green base. I wonder why yellow isn't a color of life since the sun is yellow. The sun is a vital part of life after all. . . . I carry an Umbra Blade. It's not really the traditional sort of wand for a Life student, but I think it works great! I ride on a Skyracer Pegasus mount, which is more traditional of a Life student . . . I think. I also have a pet dragon (who is also light green and yellow) named Miss Cali. She's a beautiful dragon!

I don't have a secondary school at the moment, but I really should pick something that has stronger attacks than a low level Life. I'm thinking Storm or Death. Both have good, strong attacks that would balance out my deck full of heals nicely. Speaking of spells, I *LOVE* Unicorn. It's a heal spell that heals not only you (or whoever you decide most needs health at the moment) but EVERYONE on your team! And the Unicorn is SOOO pretty too! Right now, I don't have a favorite spell from outside of my school though. Every spell has it's purposes and every spell  is beautiful in it's own way. . . .

My two beautiful Dandelions! *ROAR*
I recently started gardening, which I think is a highly suitable activity for a Theurgist. It as quickly become a new favorite hobby and I've been focusing on it a lot right now. I'm excited to become a higher ranked gardener and have all sorts of pretty and exotic plants growing in my homes. Right now I have two Pink Dandelions growing in my dorm. They're so pretty!

One of my favorite things to do in the Spiral is quest, but not to level up (as much fun as it is!). It's mostly because I love following the story lines as I quest. That's part of why I'm apart of A Spiral of Stories. The Spiral is full of them! The main story line, the side quest story lines, my story, Emma's story, Suri's story, Sergeant Major Talbot's story (he's a NPC in Krokatopia--originally from Marleybone), Prospector Zeke's stories (I'm sure he has a lot!), Snorri Oysterbloom's story (he's a philosopher bear in Grizzlehiem), well you get the idea--there's a LOT of stories to be told! Those stories are one of my favorite parts of the Spiral!

Inside the World Tree. Isn't it beautiful?
My favorite place in the Spiral right now would definitely have to be inside the World Tree. The inside of Bartleby (that's the name of the Grandfather Tree who also doubles as the World Tree) is filled with dappled sunshine and, ironically enough, more trees. The World Door sits in the center of this great hall inside of an even greater tree, bathed in light. It's so beautiful in here, and so peaceful too. . . .
Me with Bartleby. 

My favorite NPC? I don't think I can pick just one! Like I mentioned earlier, each character has his or her own unique story. But, if I had to pick just one, I think I'd have to go with Bartleby, the Grandfather Tree. He's so majestic! He's nestled directly in the center of Ravenwood. His great branches protecting all of Wizard City as he watches over the comings and goings of wizards as they travel across the Spiral.

My favorite piece of concept art,
depicting Bartleybe's branches
reaching out over Wizard City, lovingly.
This is a more accurate picture of
Wizard City, with Bartleby in the
middle of Ravenwood.

I'm so excited to be a part of all the wonderful stories in the Spiral! I can't wait to share the stories and adventures of not only myself, but of other, wonderful, characters in the Spiral.

Forever Alyssa 


1. I'm Kayla Thundersong. I'm an Adept Diviner (Level 25 Storm).

2. I'm at the last dungeon of Krokotopia. I'll finish it eventually, but I'm going to need to prefect my card strategy first. The last portion of Krokotopia is primarily Storm (obviously, since it's called the Temple of Storm) which makes it kind of hard to solo as a Storm Wizard.

3. My primary colors are light purple and pink. Purple is one of the main storm colors. I wanted to stay "stormy" but I didn't want the usual storm colors. Pink looked good with purple. A friend says it makes me look like a sour gummy worm?

4. My main pet is Maggie. She is a shock demon. She's my usual pet because she is storm mostly and because she's cool looking. She also gives a pretty decent card, even if it's a Death card rather than a Storm card. Take 300 health from me and gain 2 pips. Could be helpful I suppose, but power pips would be way more helpful.

5. I haven't picked a secondary school yet. I'm still trying to get the hang of using one school. I think I'll pick myth though, since it's my opposite.

6. My favorite thing to do in the Spiral is work on my house. I bought a Storm house over a year ago. The outside is done but the inside needs a TON of work. A lot of the rooms are shaped kind of weird, so that doesn't help much either. I hope to figure something out soon that makes the inside just as awesome as the outside! Is it any wonder why I love that house?

7. My favorite storm spell is Tempest. I don't have it yet, but I will soon. It's an AOE (Attack on Everyone), that tends to be way  over powered. Go Storm! My favorite spell outside of my school is Pixie. I have somewhat low heath and terrible resistance to everything but storm so as a result, my health drops really fast in battle. The pixie is pretty much the only thing that keeps me alive.

8. My favorite place in the Spiral is Triton Avenue. I know it's not the most exciting or exotic place in the Spiral but it's so stormy! I mean, look at that sky!!

9. My main focus is figuring out an effective battling method that makes me as powerful as any other Storm in battle. Storm magic easily has the most damage points, even if it has the lowest accuracy.

10. My favorite NPC is Zeus Sky Father because, well, he is the god of the sky and storms typically take place in the sky. Plus, someday, I can get an awesome wand from him--a lightning bolt! (Does he count as an NPC since we battle him twice??)


Jenna's Greeting

Hello everyone! So sorry for such a long delay between posts! We've been a bit busy and it's probably going to take a while to get into the habit of posting regularly. Anyway. My name is Jenna Firedancer, but in game I'm known simply as Jenna. (Firedancer isn't a possible last name in the game.) I'm a Magus Pyromancer (aka level 36 Fire). I finished MarleyBone a few weeks ago and got my first quest for MooShu, but  I haven't started it yet. Instead, I've taken a break from the main story arch to work on Grizzlehiem with Suri. :-)

Baby Chico
My hat and robes are both red with red trim, but my boots are red with yellow trim. The flames on my hat and robe were enough yellow without the yellow trim, but my boots needed a little more yellow. I'm thinking about dying everything black. It'd make the flames pop a lot more . . . but I haven't decided yet.

I don't really have a "main" pet yet. I haven't found one that I like a lot that fits my needs in battle. Usually I have Baby Chico, a Nimble Piggle equipped because he gives a black mantel card. It's nice to have in battle, but he doesn't do anything special. . . . I'm hoping to obtain a Fire Beetle in the near future though.

My secondary is Ice. It creates a perfect balance since Ice is Fire's opposite. When Fire spells are ineffective (like on a fire monster), Ice is the easiest way to combat them. My favorite Fire Spells are Immolate and Scald. Immolate takes 250 health away from me but then does 600 damage. As a result I keep 3 different Fire Shields and Tower Shield in my deck and have 14% Fire Resist to keep the damage on me minimal since I use this spell so frequently. Scald is a new favorite of mine. It's an overtime, to all enemy spell. I don't know if this counts or not, but my favorite spells outside of Fire aren't really from a "school." They're the garden "spells" (the "cards" that cost energy points to care for your garden). My favorite is either Flute Duet (the music it plays is so pretty!) or Bold Magic (all the sparkles around my plants is so pretty!).

My favorite thing to do in the Spiral is garden and quest. I find both to be extremely rewarding. I love harvesting the plants for rare reagents and pet snacks (Mega snacks for feeding and regular, low rank snacks for selling--you can get a lot of gold quickly from snacks). I love the thrill of leveling up.

My favorite place in the Spiral would honestly have to be my Wooded Cottage. I've spent hours decorating it to perfection and plenty of gold on it too! I frequently have it up for housing tours since I'm so proud of the way it turned out, but it's never ranked very high--or gotten a lot of visits. Compared to some houses in the Spiral, it's not really that impressive, but I love it! (I'm planning on doing a "tour" of my cottage in a future post.)

Me with my current garden. Growing
right now I have Deadly Helephant
Ears, White Tiger Lily, Fish on a
Vine, Fickle Pickles, and Pink
My main focus right now is definitely on gardening. My garden is almost to it's max size in ratio to how much energy I have to spend on it. That means minimal fishing and pet training, but that's okay. :-) I also spend a fair amount of time questing. Suri and I recently started working on Grizzlehiem together. I eventually want to make it to the end of the game. Maybe I'll help Suri catch up with me on the main quests after we finish Grizzlehiem--then we can cross over the exalted "line" together. . . .
Sherlock Bones in his
house at 221 B. Barker
Street, Marleybone.

My favorite NPC? It's no mystery. In fact, it's elementary! I have deduced that my favorite NPC is Sherlock Bones! He resides on 221 B Barker Street and his partner in deceive work is none other than Watson! I've always loved the pattern of his speech and the ease that he has putting clues together in Marleybone. Meeting Sherlock Bones has made me interested in possibly reading Sherlock Holmes but I'm not sure if I will. Mysteries aren't necessarily my favorite.

I'm excited to share my stories and pictures with everyone in the near future! Watch for new posts from everyone in the next few days! Happy questing everyone!


Saturday, August 2, 2014

I am Fallon

Hi! Welcome to A Spiral
of Stories!
Hi, I am Fallon Deaththief. I am a level 25 Necromancer (also known as a student of Death). I've just started the third world of the Spiral, Marleybone. Literally, just started it. I barely claimed the first quest of the world. I did do a few of the Marleybone side quests to level up to level 25 the other day so I could wear a better hat for PvP sake. I wear the main color of Death, black, as my base, but I've branched away from death's usual black, silver, white, or red trim in favor of light blue. I've noticed that this color combination has been quite popular around the Spiral lately . . . maybe I'll change to light green or light purple, just to shake things up.
This is Ginger. Since he's a
ghost, he's kind of hard to

Thanks to Emma, I now have an adorable ghost dragon pet named Ginger. He's currently an adult but I plan on training him farther in the near future with the hope that he'll learn Spritely. That'll help me in PvP tremendously! It's always great to have a pet that can spontaneously heal!

I've trained up through Tower Shield in the Ice School. (For those of you who don't know, Tower Shield is about halfway through all the trainable Ice spells--its a shield that shields 50% of damage from ANY school. Quite handy.) I'm thinking about training Life magic soon too. Having extra heals will be nothing but helpful in PvP. The longer I last, the better chance I have at winning.

My favorite thing to do is PvP. To be honest, I'm not as good at it as I'd like. I'm not TERRIBLE; I have won a handful of matches, but my rank isn't really progressing all that much. I'm better at 1v1 than I am at 2v2 but Suri wants to rank up to Warlord too. Once we develop a 2v2 strategy, I think we'll start getting better! Leveling up some more might help us out too. I am DETERMINED to rank up and get the Commander's Robe.

Vampire inflicting damage.
Vampire giving me health back. Yay!

My favorite Death attack spell is Vampire. It's currently my highest ranking drain and my favorite spell to use in PvP. (For readers who don't know, a drain inflicts damage on the enemy and gives half of the total damage back to you as health. So if I were to hit 200 with a drain, I'd get 100 back as heath for me.) I also enjoy using Beguile, even if it isn't particularly useful in PvP. It's amusing to watch an enemy monster attack its fellow "teammate" because I made it be on my team for two rounds instead. Unlike fellow wizards in PvP, the enemy doesn't realize that it's attacking its "friend." My favorite spell from outside my school would have to be Tower Shield. It's wonderful to have in PvP, especially if timed correctly. -50% is a lot when you're trying to inflict damage and defeat the opponent.

Waiting in the Arena for my next
match to start.
My favorite place in the Spiral is the Arena of course! It's favorite to anyone who is serious about PvP. I spend a lot of time in the Arena, either waiting for my next match to begin or in a match. The more matches I do, the better I get, and the better my strategy becomes. The better I get, the more I rank up. The more I rank up, the closer I am to my goal of Warlord. As a result, my main focus is obviously on PvP right now, with a healthy amount of focus on questing. PvP will either become easier or harder the higher I get, but I predict it will become easier. (Just need to wait for Suri to catch up some so people don't accuse me of using her as a "puppet". . . .(For those who don't know a puppet is someone who is a much lower level than the other player(s) and as a result, the opponents are typically a lower level. This makes it easier for the higher leveled wizard to win a Ranked PvP match.))

This is Diego the Duel Master.
My favorite NPC is Diego the Duel Master (obviously). Anything PvP related is instantly my favorite right now (even if PvP can be a little stressful). Diego is basically the "leader" of PvP and of the Arena. He also is an Arena Ticket Vendor and the one who has my Commander Robe (the one I'm trying to get).
I won!!

Well, that's all I have time for right now. I'm off to the arena to (hopefully) rank up! See you later!


Meet Suri Wintersong

Hello everyone! Suri here! I'd like to take a moment to more fully introduce myself and give a little bit of information about my background.
Me with Lacy in front of a snowdrift
in Grizzlehiem. Lacy is kind of hard
to see since she's mostly white.
I'm Suri Wintersong. My name holds symbolism, at least my first name does anyway. Suri is very similar to a nickname a dear friend gave me months before Suri Wintersong came into existence--SiRi. I'm not going to explain what SiRi meant to me a few months ago, that's very personal, however the name SiRi and now the name Suri reminds me that I am strong. I'm strong enough to take whatever damage or cruelty is thrown at me, however, I'm also strong enough to defeat the cruelty and to walk away from those who's only desire is to hurt me. That's why I'm ice. Ice can take a lot of damage--more than most schools. But when an ice puts dedication into questing and leveling up, eventually, when they reach a higher level, an ice is powerful and difficult to defeat. Ice is also a rather beautiful school. Who doesn't think that a blanket of freshly fallen snow, or clear, blue ice, isn't pretty? And now that I think about it . . . I didn't initially intend for my last name, Wintersong, to have meaning, but it does. Winter is typically a rather bleak time of year, dark, cold, and long. That's what bad times in life is also like, we just need to learn to sing through those times and not let it get us down. That's my goal in my real life: to become powerful enough to both take the damage that others try to inflict upon me, being able to take it without it breaking me again, and be able to "defeat them"--being able to walk away and escape from the damage before it really does damage. And as I pointed out, Ice school is beautiful. I want to remember that *I* am beautiful too.

Enough backstory. That's WHY I'm here, but that doesn't really describe WHO I am now that I'm here. As I said before, I'm a Journeyman Thaumaturge--also known as a student of ice. I'm level 18 and am working on the Krokosphinx in Krokatopia. I progressed with everything up to this point fairly quickly--I got this far in a month without questing being my only main focus--however now I'm a bit stuck. Unfortunately, the Krokosphinx is primarily ice and being a student of ice, its hard to defeat the creatures alone. Emma helps out when she can, but she's usually busy with something else. Once I get through the ice portion of Krokatopia, I plan to go back to questing quickly and effectively. I want to be finished with Dragonspyre before summer ends in a month and a half.

I recently became big on crafting. Although I'm only halfway through Krokatopia, I got the Marleybone crafting quest today. (Thank you, Emma, for taking me to Marleybone so I could get it!) I want to get through with at least the Dragonspyre crafting quest as quickly as I can so I can become a Master Artisan. I decided that I want to craft the Grizzleheim house, the Watchtower Hall. While I can buy the recipe now, most of the items I need to craft for the house require a higher crafting level.

Me with my first Dandelion! Isn't it
I also started gardening the other day. I've been told that gardening and crafting--and gardening and pet training--go hand-in-hand. And besides, having a growing (but fake) garden is fun! And the dandelions are SOO cute! :-)

I'm determined to become a Warlord, even if it takes forever (which, with my PvP skills, it probably will!). At least I'm not trying to do 1v1. I'm currently 2v2ing with Fallon Deaththief. Neither of us are very "good" simply because a lot of people who do ranked matches use Treasure Cards. We both feel that TC use is "cheating." But is it really "cheating" if "everyone" else uses it? Is it really "cheating" if that's the only way to win and become a Warlord? I don't know. I really hate having to decide on morality issues when I'm trying to win a PvP match. A friend once told me if the other team uses TC don't be afraid to fight back with TC. Problem is, its really hard to tell if they're using TC until too late. So, again I ask, do I just use it? PvP will probably be a lot easier once I get Frostbite and Ice Blade. . . .

I'll use Emma's 10 challenges as a way to summarize who I am.

1. I am Suri Wintersong, student of Ice, level 18.

2. I am at the very beginning of the Krokosphinx in Krokatopia. I just started the first quest that takes place INSIDE the sphinx.

I'm so excited to have finally earned
enough gold to buy a blue dragon
3. Currently I wear WHITE with LIGHT BLUE trim. I picked them . . . well they ARE primary Ice School colors, so they're not exactly "creative." But the light blue DOES match my ice blue hair. I used to wear light blue with white trim, but that was just too much blue! I may be changing my colors to white and dark purple soon . . . still not very creative since dark purple is an Ice School trim color as it is. . . .

4. My main pet is a Baby Dragon named Lacy. She, like my main colors, is white with light blue "trim" (mainly on her wings). Eventually, I'll start hatching and harvesting for a better ice school pet, but for now, Lacy is good enough. She's cute after all!

5. I don't have a secondary school of magic. . . . I'm debating between Life and Fire . . . or maybe Myth . . . Death wouldn't be bad either . . . but neither would Storm . . . or Balance. . . .

Casting an Ice spell in PvP.
6. I haven't been in the Spiral very long, but right now I LOVE PvP, even though I'm not very good at it. I also enjoy questing. Like I said, I want to reach the end of Dragonspyre before summer ends. I also recently started crafting which I LOVE. It's harder than I thought it would be though. . . . I wish myself luck to finishing Dragonspyre and crafting my house though!

7. Hmm . . . I don't know what my favorite spells are. I do rather like Mammoth and Snow Angel--both are pretty cool! But I think Frostbite is probably my favorite. I don't know why, I just like it. Maybe because its a simple, overtime spell. Overtime spells used effectively can inflict a LOT of damage! I think my favorite spell from outside my school is probably Sandstorm (Balance) because it's simple like Frostbite, but Emma can make it do a lot of damage. Plus, when I see it, I know the battle is almost over and I can move on questing. (Thanks, Emma, for all your help!)

Isn't the ice so pretty?
8. My favorite place in the Spiral? I don't know know. I haven't seen a lot OF the Spiral yet. . . . Okay, yes I have. Emma's taken me to a lot of places. So, even though I won't actually GET there for a while longer, I think WinterTusk is my favorite place, because it's cold and snowy . . . a PERFECT environment for an Ice Wizard!

9. My current main focuses are questing, crafting, PvP, and gardening (in that order!) PvP would be higher, but I've been told that it'll get easier as I get to be a higher level and apparently I can craft really good gear someday.

Kelvin--he's so tall! It was hard
to get a picture of him!
Me with Kelvin.
10. My favorite NPC? I have NEVER thought of that before! I also haven't met very many NPCs. Well . . . hmm . . . I guess I'll have to go with . . . hmm. I like Kelvin, the Ice Tree. I don't know why exactly. He's the Ice Tree and I'm an Ice student, so he helps me with spell quests sometimes. I also like the sound of his voice. That tree has a very nice voice!

Sorry I was so long-winded! I guess I had a lot to say about myself. I promise I'm not full of myself or anything! I'm just excited to introduce myself!

Love Suri

Emma's Introduction

Hello! Welcome again to A Spiral of Stories! We are so excited to work on this blog and to share our stories with everyone! We have some exciting tales to tell, but its hard to fully appreciate a story if one doesn't fully understand the characters. I'm going to take a few minutes of your time to introduce you to one of the main characters in many stories from the Spiral: Me. Emma Dreamweaver.
This is me at main house (I have four).
This also shows all of my gear and
current colors.

I am Emma Dreamweaver. I am an Archmage Sorcerer (Balance), level 85. Thanks to my Life Mastery Amulet, I am also a Master of Life spells, which is very handy. I don't have to worry about dying while I battle, assuming I can find a life spell. To help combat waiting for spells to show up in my deck, I keep a nice stash of healing TC. I currently wear the Guardian's robe and boots and an elegant hat, each stitched with the Waterworks gear, with the exception of the boots which are from Atlantea. I have a balanced longbow which is stitched to one of my three Sword of Kings. Apparently you get another sword each time you do the final dungeon of Avalon. . . .  My colors are Orange and Black. For the past two years they've been Orange and Light Purple. I decided that it was time for a change. Not only does the black look really good, but it also makes me match my Orange Fairy Wings even more.

This is Sadie, my harpy.
Until recently, a Night Hawk named Scooter followed me everywhere. She was a wonderful pet and I honestly miss her companionship, but now it's Sadie's (a 2nd Gen Harpy) turn to quest with me. She has the same learned talents as Scooter (spritely and may cast storm shield) but also currently gives two wonderful Balance spells--Spirit Trap and Spirit Blast. Eventually she'll learn a third spell, but I'll have to keep training her to get it.

I stared Azteca a week or two ago. I'm so excited to finally be here! I love the music and the storyline integers me! I can't wait to find out how the Aztecan story unfolds. I'm at the first dungeon of the world, The Black Sun Pyramid. As far as I know, I've finished Cenote and possibly Three Points except for side quests, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. . . .

I have two new hobbies in the Spiral. Fishing (which I honestly thought was a TERRIBLE idea when I read about it in the test realm updates--after doing it in test realm, it's safe to say that I'm hooked on it--pun intended) and playing housing games, specifically the Scavenger Hunt. I've been working hard at gathering reagents and crafting so I can craft the Scavenger Hunt Kiosk for my house. I'm SOOO excited to get it! Both activities are so much fun! Fishing has more benefits than playing housing games--I can get gold and reagents for crafting from fishing--but housing games do offer an opportunity to hang out with friends and just have fun for a few hours before returning to the more rigorous activities of questing and crafting.

My current focus is on crafting. I have a long ways to go still before I can make my Scavenger Hunt Kiosk, but I'm making progress. As a result, I am also focusing on gardening, hoping that I can harvest rare reagents such as Sunstone and Amber from the plants. It's slow going, but rewarding.

My favorite Balance spell is either Judgement or Supernova. Judgement is great because with the right power ups and enough pips, I can hit really hard and make significant damage on a foe. It's been my favorite since I got it years ago when I was a Magus Sorcerer. A recent favorite is Supernova, when it works anyway. With only 60% accuracy, it can be frustrating to use. But when it works, it is amazing. It destroys a foe's aura (a personal "bubble" that helps the foe either by giving them a damage boost, a resistance boost, an accuracy boost or something else beneficial to them but not so much to me) AND it inflicts 535 damage--more if I have any boosts with the card. My favorite spell outside of balance is probably Leviathan, a Storm Spell. I have no particular reason for this, other than the fact that I've always liked Levi (unless its being used on me when I have two blades and am about ready to attack . . . grrr!). 

My favorite world of the Spiral is Avalon. It's based on one of my favorite legends--King Arthur. I love anything to do with the magical version medieval time period (knights, dragons, princesses, fairies) and Avalon has all of that! I LOVE the Avalonian music and all the COLORS! Avalon is probably one of the most colorful worlds in the Spiral. I was so excited to finally get through Celestia and Zafaria to make it into Avalon. In fact, I was upset that I had to do Zafaria; I wanted to skip right into Avalon. Zafaria wasn't really that bad, but still. . . .

This is Zeke.
My favorite NPC is Zeke. He's always around, no matter which world you're questing in. It's nice that there's ALWAYS a familiar face, where ever you go. Plus, I've always enjoyed doing Zeke's quests. It's fun trying to find the various critters he's looking for--Smiths, Beetles, Oysters, UFOs. . . . There's perks to doing his quests too--gold, experience, and a training point. (Zeke's quests are also the inspiration for the Scavenger Hunt Kiosk.)

Now that I've introduced myself properly--and hit every point in my issued challenge--I can begin telling my stories and sharing my adventures from around the Spiral with you! I'm excited to being writing!

See you around the Spiral!



To my fellow Bloggers (Suri, Jenna, Fallon, Natalie, Kayla, and Alyssa),

Dear Friends!

I have a challenge to issue to each of you (me included). When you write you introductory blog post, I challenge you to include several things in your post. These things can be written in any order, but try to write about them all!

1. Name, school, and current level. (I know we all already wrote this on our initial welcome post, but it's nice to remind everyone who you are!)

2. Where you are quest wise. (Be more specific then "I'm in Marleybone")

3. What are YOUR primary colors (not your school's) and why did you pick them?

4. Who/what is your main pet? Why? (Example: Sadie, a Harpy, is my current main pet because _______)

5. What is your secondary school of magic?

6. What's your favorite thing to do in the Spiral and WHY.

7. What's your favorite spell from your school? From a school other than your own? Why?

8. What's your favorite place in the Spiral and why?

9. What's your current main focus right now? (Crafting, gardening, questing, decorating houses, etc)

10. Who is your favorite NPC (Non-playing Character--example Merle Ambrose) and why?

Some of these questions are easier than others, but that's all part of the fun, right? Anyway, enjoy writing your introductory posts and good luck questing! See you around the Spiral!


Thursday, July 31, 2014


Welcome to A Spiral of Stories! We'd like to take a moment to introduce ourselves before we begin posting our adventurers and stories.

I'm Suri Wintersong. Currently I'm a level 18 Journeyman working in Krokatopia. My goal is to reach at least level 50 before the end of the summer. If I could cross over the max level with Emma before the end of the year, that would be wonderful.

I'm Emma Dreamweaver. I'm an Archmage Sorcerer level 85, just starting Azteca. I got my one-in-a-million badge this past year. :D  

I'm Jenna (Firedancer). I've given myself an honorary last name because I regret not picking one when I created the character and I wanted a last name for my stories. I'm a Magus pyromancer (level 36), working on Grizzleheim and getting ready to start Mooshu.

I'm Fallon Deaththief. I am an Adept Necromancer, level 25. I just started Marleybone the other day. I also do a lot of PvP with Suri. We're trying to reach Warlord . . . but it's a lot harder than either of us thought!

I'm Alyssa Rosethorn. I'm a level 14 Initiate Theurgist. I'm currently finishing up side quests in Wizard City and have started Krokatopia.

I'm Natalie Emeraldflame. I'm just behind Jenna both quest wise and level wise. I'm a level 32 Magus Conjurer. Like Fallon, I just started Marleybone.

I'm Kayla Thundersong. I'm an Adept Diviner, level 25. I'm at the end of Krokatopia. 

A/N: I would like to note that all of these characters belong to one person. Each post will be "written" by one (or in some cases more) of my wizards. My goal is to develop personalities for each. Each of there posts will be signed. I may introduce new characters as the blog progresses--some characters "posting" here might not even really exist...we'll see. This is basically another Wizard101 fansite blog, something I'm doing just for fun. Some of the posts will be based off of things that I'm really doing online, recording quests and PvP results for example, and other posts will be purely fictional story bits, written as if these characters are real and living in the world of Wizard101. Enjoy!