1. I'm Kayla Thundersong. I'm an Adept Diviner (Level 25 Storm).
2. I'm at the last dungeon of Krokotopia. I'll finish it eventually, but I'm going to need to prefect my card strategy first. The last portion of Krokotopia is primarily Storm (obviously, since it's called the Temple of
Storm) which makes it kind of hard to solo as a Storm Wizard.
3. My primary colors are light purple and pink. Purple is one of the main storm colors. I wanted to stay "stormy" but I didn't want the usual storm colors. Pink looked good with purple. A friend says it makes me look like a sour gummy worm?

4. My main pet is Maggie. She is a shock demon. She's my usual pet because she is storm mostly and because she's cool looking. She also gives a pretty decent card, even if it's a Death card rather than a Storm card. Take 300 health from me and gain 2 pips. Could be helpful I suppose, but power pips would be way more helpful.
5. I haven't picked a secondary school yet. I'm still trying to get the hang of using one school. I think I'll pick myth though, since it's my opposite.

6. My favorite thing to do in the Spiral is work on my house. I bought a Storm house over a year ago. The outside is done but the inside needs a TON of work. A lot of the rooms are shaped kind of weird, so that doesn't help much either. I hope to figure something out soon that makes the inside just as awesome as the outside! Is it any wonder why I love that house?

7. My favorite storm spell is Tempest. I don't have it yet, but I will soon. It's an AOE (Attack on Everyone), that tends to be way over powered. Go Storm! My favorite spell outside of my school is Pixie. I have somewhat low heath and terrible resistance to everything but storm so as a result, my health drops really fast in battle. The pixie is pretty much the only thing that keeps me alive.

8. My favorite place in the Spiral is Triton Avenue. I know it's not the most exciting or exotic place in the Spiral but it's so stormy! I mean, look at that
9. My main focus is figuring out an effective battling method that makes me as powerful as any other Storm in battle. Storm magic easily has the most damage points, even if it has the lowest accuracy.

10. My favorite NPC is Zeus Sky Father because, well, he
is the god of the sky and storms typically take place in the sky. Plus, someday, I can get an awesome wand from him--a lightning bolt! (Does he count as an NPC since we battle him twice??)
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