
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Emma's Introduction

Hello! Welcome again to A Spiral of Stories! We are so excited to work on this blog and to share our stories with everyone! We have some exciting tales to tell, but its hard to fully appreciate a story if one doesn't fully understand the characters. I'm going to take a few minutes of your time to introduce you to one of the main characters in many stories from the Spiral: Me. Emma Dreamweaver.
This is me at main house (I have four).
This also shows all of my gear and
current colors.

I am Emma Dreamweaver. I am an Archmage Sorcerer (Balance), level 85. Thanks to my Life Mastery Amulet, I am also a Master of Life spells, which is very handy. I don't have to worry about dying while I battle, assuming I can find a life spell. To help combat waiting for spells to show up in my deck, I keep a nice stash of healing TC. I currently wear the Guardian's robe and boots and an elegant hat, each stitched with the Waterworks gear, with the exception of the boots which are from Atlantea. I have a balanced longbow which is stitched to one of my three Sword of Kings. Apparently you get another sword each time you do the final dungeon of Avalon. . . .  My colors are Orange and Black. For the past two years they've been Orange and Light Purple. I decided that it was time for a change. Not only does the black look really good, but it also makes me match my Orange Fairy Wings even more.

This is Sadie, my harpy.
Until recently, a Night Hawk named Scooter followed me everywhere. She was a wonderful pet and I honestly miss her companionship, but now it's Sadie's (a 2nd Gen Harpy) turn to quest with me. She has the same learned talents as Scooter (spritely and may cast storm shield) but also currently gives two wonderful Balance spells--Spirit Trap and Spirit Blast. Eventually she'll learn a third spell, but I'll have to keep training her to get it.

I stared Azteca a week or two ago. I'm so excited to finally be here! I love the music and the storyline integers me! I can't wait to find out how the Aztecan story unfolds. I'm at the first dungeon of the world, The Black Sun Pyramid. As far as I know, I've finished Cenote and possibly Three Points except for side quests, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. . . .

I have two new hobbies in the Spiral. Fishing (which I honestly thought was a TERRIBLE idea when I read about it in the test realm updates--after doing it in test realm, it's safe to say that I'm hooked on it--pun intended) and playing housing games, specifically the Scavenger Hunt. I've been working hard at gathering reagents and crafting so I can craft the Scavenger Hunt Kiosk for my house. I'm SOOO excited to get it! Both activities are so much fun! Fishing has more benefits than playing housing games--I can get gold and reagents for crafting from fishing--but housing games do offer an opportunity to hang out with friends and just have fun for a few hours before returning to the more rigorous activities of questing and crafting.

My current focus is on crafting. I have a long ways to go still before I can make my Scavenger Hunt Kiosk, but I'm making progress. As a result, I am also focusing on gardening, hoping that I can harvest rare reagents such as Sunstone and Amber from the plants. It's slow going, but rewarding.

My favorite Balance spell is either Judgement or Supernova. Judgement is great because with the right power ups and enough pips, I can hit really hard and make significant damage on a foe. It's been my favorite since I got it years ago when I was a Magus Sorcerer. A recent favorite is Supernova, when it works anyway. With only 60% accuracy, it can be frustrating to use. But when it works, it is amazing. It destroys a foe's aura (a personal "bubble" that helps the foe either by giving them a damage boost, a resistance boost, an accuracy boost or something else beneficial to them but not so much to me) AND it inflicts 535 damage--more if I have any boosts with the card. My favorite spell outside of balance is probably Leviathan, a Storm Spell. I have no particular reason for this, other than the fact that I've always liked Levi (unless its being used on me when I have two blades and am about ready to attack . . . grrr!). 

My favorite world of the Spiral is Avalon. It's based on one of my favorite legends--King Arthur. I love anything to do with the magical version medieval time period (knights, dragons, princesses, fairies) and Avalon has all of that! I LOVE the Avalonian music and all the COLORS! Avalon is probably one of the most colorful worlds in the Spiral. I was so excited to finally get through Celestia and Zafaria to make it into Avalon. In fact, I was upset that I had to do Zafaria; I wanted to skip right into Avalon. Zafaria wasn't really that bad, but still. . . .

This is Zeke.
My favorite NPC is Zeke. He's always around, no matter which world you're questing in. It's nice that there's ALWAYS a familiar face, where ever you go. Plus, I've always enjoyed doing Zeke's quests. It's fun trying to find the various critters he's looking for--Smiths, Beetles, Oysters, UFOs. . . . There's perks to doing his quests too--gold, experience, and a training point. (Zeke's quests are also the inspiration for the Scavenger Hunt Kiosk.)

Now that I've introduced myself properly--and hit every point in my issued challenge--I can begin telling my stories and sharing my adventures from around the Spiral with you! I'm excited to being writing!

See you around the Spiral!


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