
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Jenna's Greeting

Hello everyone! So sorry for such a long delay between posts! We've been a bit busy and it's probably going to take a while to get into the habit of posting regularly. Anyway. My name is Jenna Firedancer, but in game I'm known simply as Jenna. (Firedancer isn't a possible last name in the game.) I'm a Magus Pyromancer (aka level 36 Fire). I finished MarleyBone a few weeks ago and got my first quest for MooShu, but  I haven't started it yet. Instead, I've taken a break from the main story arch to work on Grizzlehiem with Suri. :-)

Baby Chico
My hat and robes are both red with red trim, but my boots are red with yellow trim. The flames on my hat and robe were enough yellow without the yellow trim, but my boots needed a little more yellow. I'm thinking about dying everything black. It'd make the flames pop a lot more . . . but I haven't decided yet.

I don't really have a "main" pet yet. I haven't found one that I like a lot that fits my needs in battle. Usually I have Baby Chico, a Nimble Piggle equipped because he gives a black mantel card. It's nice to have in battle, but he doesn't do anything special. . . . I'm hoping to obtain a Fire Beetle in the near future though.

My secondary is Ice. It creates a perfect balance since Ice is Fire's opposite. When Fire spells are ineffective (like on a fire monster), Ice is the easiest way to combat them. My favorite Fire Spells are Immolate and Scald. Immolate takes 250 health away from me but then does 600 damage. As a result I keep 3 different Fire Shields and Tower Shield in my deck and have 14% Fire Resist to keep the damage on me minimal since I use this spell so frequently. Scald is a new favorite of mine. It's an overtime, to all enemy spell. I don't know if this counts or not, but my favorite spells outside of Fire aren't really from a "school." They're the garden "spells" (the "cards" that cost energy points to care for your garden). My favorite is either Flute Duet (the music it plays is so pretty!) or Bold Magic (all the sparkles around my plants is so pretty!).

My favorite thing to do in the Spiral is garden and quest. I find both to be extremely rewarding. I love harvesting the plants for rare reagents and pet snacks (Mega snacks for feeding and regular, low rank snacks for selling--you can get a lot of gold quickly from snacks). I love the thrill of leveling up.

My favorite place in the Spiral would honestly have to be my Wooded Cottage. I've spent hours decorating it to perfection and plenty of gold on it too! I frequently have it up for housing tours since I'm so proud of the way it turned out, but it's never ranked very high--or gotten a lot of visits. Compared to some houses in the Spiral, it's not really that impressive, but I love it! (I'm planning on doing a "tour" of my cottage in a future post.)

Me with my current garden. Growing
right now I have Deadly Helephant
Ears, White Tiger Lily, Fish on a
Vine, Fickle Pickles, and Pink
My main focus right now is definitely on gardening. My garden is almost to it's max size in ratio to how much energy I have to spend on it. That means minimal fishing and pet training, but that's okay. :-) I also spend a fair amount of time questing. Suri and I recently started working on Grizzlehiem together. I eventually want to make it to the end of the game. Maybe I'll help Suri catch up with me on the main quests after we finish Grizzlehiem--then we can cross over the exalted "line" together. . . .
Sherlock Bones in his
house at 221 B. Barker
Street, Marleybone.

My favorite NPC? It's no mystery. In fact, it's elementary! I have deduced that my favorite NPC is Sherlock Bones! He resides on 221 B Barker Street and his partner in deceive work is none other than Watson! I've always loved the pattern of his speech and the ease that he has putting clues together in Marleybone. Meeting Sherlock Bones has made me interested in possibly reading Sherlock Holmes but I'm not sure if I will. Mysteries aren't necessarily my favorite.

I'm excited to share my stories and pictures with everyone in the near future! Watch for new posts from everyone in the next few days! Happy questing everyone!


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