
Saturday, March 28, 2015

I'm Back!

I've decided to start working on this again, however, I'm not going to do it quite the same way I had planned originally--WAY too much work for something that should be simple. I'm still going to have a story section, and I'm still going to write SOME posts from all 7 characters, but from this point on, there'll only be a focus on Emma, Suri, and Jenna. ALL posts, even ones "written" by another character, will be posted from Suri's account. It's just too much work logging in and out in and out to write a few simple posts. I started the blog the way I did because I wanted it to be unique from all the other Wizard101 blogs out there, but I realized that it doesn't matter if all I write about is what I'm doing in the game. My experience is totally different from everyone else's...and besides, there's someone out there (someone specific) who cares about what I'M doing--what MY characters are doing--and doesn't care that a thousand other bloggers have written about the exact same thing. :)

UPDATE TIME! :D (January 2015)

Emma is now at level 92! She has been questing vigorously with Cameron StarCatcher the last few weeks and we are SO CLOSE to finishing Azteca! We plan on finishing the ENTIRE GAME before April--wish us luck!

Suri and Jenna are both level 38! They started questing together in Septemberish. I worked hard to get both characters not only at the same level but within 200ish experience of each other so they level up at about the same time. They're at the beginning of MooShu right now. They did the first few areas of Grizzleheim together in order to learn a new spell each. They'll go back to finish GH after they finish the first story arch (the world of DragonSpyre--the world after MooShu). They'll be doing minimal side quests from this point on--just enough to ensure that they can learn all of their spells and stay within the target range for each world.

Suri and Emma both have new looks! Suri has a couple of new ones.

Evolution of Emma and Suri (looks only lol) from August 2014-January 2015:

Suri with Queen Hannah
Gear and Pet from Hoard of the Hydra Packs, September 2014

Suri with Queen Hannah
Gear from Winter Wind Bundle, October 2014

Suri with Queen Hannah
New Hair!!! (Standing outside Winter Wind Tower), October 2014

Suri riding on the Malorian Dragon
Mount part of the Winter Wind Bundle, October 2014
Suri with Mister Sam
Blue gear from Winterland Pack, December 2014

Suri with Mister Sam
Pink gear from Winterland Pack, December 2014

Suri with Mister Sam
Green gear from Winterland Pack, December 2014

Suri in her current battle gear
Hat, Robes, and Boots--Winter Wind
Pet--Dragon's Hoard

Emma's new look. I'd had the last one (the stitched guardian's gear)
for more than 2 years! It was past time for a new look.
(Plus, the stat upgrade has been AMAZING!)
UPDATE (March 2015)

Emma is now level 100!! After 5 years of playing, I FINALLY have a max wizard! Emma and Cameron are a little over halfway done with Khrysalis, the final world! We're questing a little slower than we had originally planned, but still making progress! We will likely be done before (or near the beginning) of summer.

Suri and Jenna are level 46. They've finished MooShu and are around halfway done with DragonSpyre. I've been making a lot of progress on them when Cameron is offline (when he's online, we're working on our Exalteds). They don't have much left to complete before the catch up with Cameron's storm and balance. Once caught up, the four of them will stay even through the rest of the game, making a truly epic team! We have big plans for those four and are excited to start working on them! (AFTER Emma and Cameron finish of course lol.)

After Suri and Jenna get caught up, I'm planning on working on Kayla again (it's been a LONG time since I've quested on her!) along with a new, and currently uncreated myth wizard. I'm planning on naming her Alia, but I haven't picked a last name for her. I'll likely be introducing her with in the next month or so.

I've been doing a lot with pet training lately. I'm very happy with Emma's harpy, Sadie. She works great for how I play on my balance, but I don't have a pet that I'm happy with for Jenna or Suri yet. I'm hoping to eventually hatch a pet with stellar resistance stats for Suri (preferably an ice hound) and I want a fire pet for Jenna with all four damage talents (2 fire damage and 2 overall damage). It'll take some time, patients, and a LOT of mega snacks.

Speaking of mega snacks, Jenna has been maintaining a garden almost too big for her energy! She's gotten a ton of good snacks for pet training, some really good TC, and lots of low rank snacks for selling. It's nice to have a steady income of mega snacks. I think it's time to go harvesting for more couch potato seeds and some evil magma pea seeds. The more megas I can get, the better off my pet training endeavor will go!

I've been doing a lot of research lately on gear and stats. By the time Suri and Jenna reach Azteca, I'm hoping that I'll have put together the gear necessary for Suri to have immunity to each school (different gear sets for each school--I don't think it's possible to have immunity to all the schools all the time, at least not yet), and for Jenna to have around (preferably more than) 100% fire damage. I am anticipating that I will end up spending many hours harvesting for gear pieces, reagents, and gold and spend more crowns and gold than I care to think about in order for this to happen. I guess I'm starting to shift from casual player to a little more hardcore. I'm more apart of the community than I ever have been, I'm running a blog, I have a max level wizard, I'm researching gear and am willing to spend a lot of gold and/or crowns to obtain the perfect gear set up, I'm spending hours pet training in hopes of finding my perfect pets...but I've been doing a pretty good job not letting it become an obsession or an addiction. I get my homework done and get A's in college, I maintain a relationship with my boyfriend and will often put my characters in afk mode in order to talk to him, I spend time with my sister and mom, and I go to bed at a fairly decent time (most of the time anyway).

I'm super excited to continue questing on all these characters. I can't wait to finish the Morganthe arc on Emma and can't wait to have my (hopefully) overpowered ice and fire wizards!